A non-refundable deposit of N$150.00 is required to confirm your registration.
Courses where manuals are available, but where registration is done after registration close, as indicated on the itinerary, participants will not receive a manual.
You are only able to attend 'Demolishing Strongholds' course after completing the 'Spiritual Authority' course.
You are only able to attend the 'Intensive Training for Intercession' after completing the 'Spiritual Authority', 'Demolishing Strongholds' and 'The Key of David' courses.
You are only able to attend the 'Becoming Arrows of Destiny' course after completing 'Building the Apostolic Legacy'.
You are only able to attend the 'Executing the Mandate; Living the Legacy' course after completing 'Becoming Arrows of Destiny'.
Course, seminar and training itineraries and fees are subject to alteration without notice at the discretion of the Organisation.
Right of Admission Reserved.
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