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In the Double Decade of Open Heavens (2019-2039)

IN 2025


Every Day
In Every Way
In Every Domain

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Read more on the Double Decade of Open heavens and other important factors by clicking on the appropriate button below. These are important factors for the coming years and key directives of what the Lord is doing in the earth.

About Us
Lion of Judah Ministries - Namibia, is an inter-denominational ministry dedicated to bring God’s word to the whole body of Christ and to see His body built up to the fullness of maturity so that it may establish His kingdom and be the kingdom representative on earth. We are representatives and affiliates of ISAAC (International Strategic Alliance of Apostolic Churches) which is under the presiding apostleship of Dr Jonathan David.
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  • Course dates for 2025 are now available. Please take note of the new format for some.

  • Please see upcoming courses below or on our Course & Events page or view our annual calendar on our Itinerary Page.

  • All course venues will be at Gateway Conference Centre or as communicated by The Registrar.

    • Note the Format Changes
        • 07 & 08

          The Key of David

          A Dynamic training to help understand your position as Prophet, Priest and King in the kingdom of God. PART 2
          location_on Rehoboth HCC access_time 18h30 - 21h30

          Each child of God is called to be a son/daughter in His Kingdom and needs to function in the dimensions of priest, prophet and king. Starts on 7 April and continues for 8 weeks.

          For more information about this and other courses please see here.

          • 09
            March 25

            City Church

            A gathering of churches inthe City of Windhoek.
            location_on Gateway Conference Centre access_time 09h00 - 11h00

            Church in the City is a gathering of various church in the City of Windhoek celebrating our Lord Jesus Christ. Held in conjunction with Church at the Crossroads and Apostle Bruce Mulder.

            For more information about other courses please see here.

            • 27-29
              March 25

              Spiritual Authority

              Understanding our Spiritual Authority as a Believer.
              location_on Solid Rock Cente - 15 Hendrik Witbooi Swakopmund access_time 18h30 - 21h30

              ‘How do we break through cycles of defeat in our lives?’ and ‘What is really happening in the spiritual realm?’ are some of the questions that are dealt with in this course.

              For more information about this and other courses please see here.

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          2022 Is the Year To Know Your Territory

          Dr Johnathan David

          2022 Is the Year To Know Your Territory

          2022 New Year Message
          By Dr Jonathan David (Prophecy given on Tue 28 Dec 2021)

          2020 to 2040 are the double decades of the open heaven given to the church especially to ISAAC churches. 2021 is the beginning of the fiercest battles. 2022 the world will change in a single battle on health, finance, family, and politics. We must guard everything God has given to us. It will change the landscape.
          But in 2022, new things will happen. The righteous will rise, the wicked will fall. The righteous and the wicked will not labour together. The work of the enemy will come crashing down. The righteous will be bold as a lion. The lion is bold, who can but fear. The wicked will flee when no one pursues them. But the roar of the lion will be heard. “I will once again pour out My Spirit on My sons and daughters and they will prophesy and recreate a new earth on this earth.”
          A new company of people will rise. They are fearless. They will march on the mountains, walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Nothing will harm them, thus says the Lord.
          The new day is coming for ISAAC and it is beginning this week. And the fear of the Lord will be upon God’s people. Many will mature, from a lamb to a lion. And their royal anointing will be seen. You have completed the sacrifice of the lamb, now take your place as the lion of the sons of Judah, your voice will be heard. You will snatch many out of hell, and we must not see the size of the enemy, but we must hear the voice of God and live.
          2022 is the year to know your territory and you will fear nothing. A new territory has been drawn; all fences are down. As far as you can see, I will give it to you. North, South, East, West will be your portion. God has marked out your territory. ISAAC will take on the challenge of reaching the nations, especially Islamic nations. There are many who will take new ground and wealth will follow like a mighty river. Isaiah 60 will become our template of wealth transfer. And people will come from the Islamic world and thousands of them who will already be saved. Arise Shine, your light has come. The covenant of the Spirit and the Word will be your light. Arise Shine, your light has come. Nations will tend to you. Nations does not mean people groups, it means God’s people.
          The strength of God’s light will draw people out of darkness. It is the light that draws them out and God’s people will have no lack of territory to control because the Lord Himself will be the territory. Sin will be broken, sickness will be conquered, satan will be bound from 2020 to 2040.
          A new beginning for the church and she will wait for the second coming of the Lord. It is in this hour you will look up and see the coming of the Lord. Many churches and individuals will be taken up with a new glory of My body and they will all come as one company. The saints will come with Jesus, the saints will come manifesting Jesus, the saint will manifest as saints like Enoch, the translated saint, Noah the transformed saint. Elisha’s legacy will be transferred to that generation, even though they are young they will do greater works than this, Thus says the Lord.
          The lightning will shine from the East to the West. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. The generation of the 27 years old to 50 years old will be key instruments. The 27 to 35 years old will carry the technology. From the 37 years old will carry the spiritual technology. First in the natural, then the spiritual. Wait for my message. A new Body I will raise, healing in the body, joy in the soul, strength in the spirit. A new Body I will give to you. “Lo, I have come to do your will, a body I have made for you.” This is the final message. Christ in you the hope of glory. Christ in you the reality of glory. The manifestation will go out from Zion. He will roar from Zion. The sceptre shall move from Zion. The heavenly Jerusalem will bring forth the Old Testament saints and reveal them to the saints. The Old Testament saints will emerge collectively. And this will cause the church and Zion to become one. All things will be consummated in Christ, thus says the Lord. The end is near, He is near. Zion and the church will emerge in a special way. Hell will be shut down, Heaven will prevail. All that we heard will come to past in these twenty years because a new season has begun.
          Many goat nations will become sheep nations. Two things will be needed. Sheep nations will acknowledge Zion. And Israel will acknowledge that Jesus is coming in the flesh. The same Jesus that rise before your eyes, working in you, is always been with you, and He is seen in you and will come forth in you. This is the true saints.
          Jesus is coming again and His kingdom will rule for another thousand years. This is the panoramic view of the last days, get ready. This is your time. The best time. The time to finish the assignment and prepare the way of the Lord to finish His work. This is God’s final plan to send Jesus. This is the prayer I pray, after the Order of Melchizedek. This will be our time, be ready to rise. You will defeat death, under the Order of Melchizedek. And you will be after the Order of Melchizedek. Six thousand years have passed, the seventh year has just begun. The one thousandth year is beginning to take shape and you will see Jesus return in these decade.
          Share this tape, the voice of God in the earth. You will hear His voice and come alive. This is the fiercest battle, the spirit of error against the spirit of truth. But light will prevail. Truth will prevail. Jesus has already won the victor’s crown. Receive this, as the tape goes around. The earth will have awaken, the saints will rise. This is God’s promise for those who believe.
          ISAAC churches and ANS must take the message to the world. This is God’s mandate to execute the Kingdom Order. Let thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, so it shall be on earth. Receive the greatest gift of life and decerning of spirits. In Jesus name, I release all that God has given to me to as many who will receive in faith. You will not live under the activity of satanic powers but in the life of Christ. Receive my new year message in Jesus Name, Amen.
          As far as you can see, as bold as you can run, as fierce as you can fight. Take the bow and arrow and take the four arrows, strike the ground, until your strength of the flesh has ended and you are hitting the enemy by the Spirit and not by your might. Your mind will be taken over by the spirit.
          In Jesus Name, Amen, Amen, Amen.
          Every Amen for the Father, the Son and the Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen.

          Dr Jonathan David

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          Prophetic Dimensions for 2020 and beyond.

          Ps Günther Schenk

          The prophetic will play a key role within the coming years. The sons of Issachar will need to rise so that we may know the times of God with wisdom to know what to do within these times (1 Chron 12:32). Knowing the times in itself will bear no fruit, if we do not have the wisdom, power and resolve to execute what is expected of us within these times.

          Prophetic Word

          Part 1 - 28 Dec 2019:
          The prophetic will play a key role within the coming years. The sons of Issachar will need to rise so that we may know the times of God with wisdom to know what to do within these times (1 Chron 12:32). Knowing the times in itself will bear no fruit, if we do not have the wisdom, power and resolve to execute what is expected of us within these times.

          God, in His wisdom, is releasing this grace to those who will steward what He gives to them, for kingdom advancement, without selfish ambition or corrupt heart. Together with the rising up of strong leaders, who will have the courage of Joshua, the determination and uncompromising resolve of Paul and bearing the heart of David, we will see the power of God come and transform the Nations of the earth. The Word of God will establish itself and not return void without accomplishing what He has sent it out to do for this time and season (Isa 55:10 & 11).

          The Apostolic / Prophetic Voice of the Church will break the chains of the enemy around the Nations of the world and we will see the rising of a new generation of people who's hearts will be turned completely and radically to God. The Samuel's anointing (Key of David) will catapult the church into a season of unprecedented favour and open heavens as we seek Gods Face and heed to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

          Those who are not willing to be lead by the Spirit of God (Rom 8:14) cannot enjoy the supernatural dimensions that will come because of His leading (Rom 8:18&19). We are coming to the end of the sin age and entering into the age of righteousness (Matt 13:36-43 & 13:47-50) where the Church of God will be His witness on the earth (Acts 1:8). We are entering a time of radical and permanent transformation with hearts being set on fire for the Lord. Even within this year (2020), we will see pockets of revival and transformation break out on a global scale. Reports of God moving in the Nations will start becoming 'every day news' within this Double Decade of Open Heavens (2019 - 2039). Families will be restored and reunited, young people will be ignited for God and there will be a generation prepared to receive the legacy transfer that God has laid up for them.

          We will see the manifestation of the heavenly hosts moving according to His word and command as the Church moves ahead as the army of God (Joel 2:1-11), preparing the way in the wilderness for His coming kingdom (Firestorm), not growing weary or tired for they shall find their strength in Christ Jesus (Isa 40). The Church of God will understand what it means to be seated with Christ in the heavenly places (Eph 2:6) and will operate in the Order of Melchizedek (Gen 14:18-20; Heb ch 7 & 8).

          The battle will intensify, but the gates of hades will not prevail against the Church of Christ Jesus (Matt 16:18 & 19). Prophetic Intercession and Breakthrough Worship will become one weapon (Rev 5:8&9) in the hands of Gods people as we build in the spirit dimensions, breaking the hold of the enemy over people, territories and nations. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Rev 2:7).

          Part 2 - 29 Dec 2019:
          The atmosphere over cities and nations is darkened because the church is not bringing in the light. The church has lost the ability to be light because we have modelled it (the church) after wrong things (Matt 5:14&15). We have patterned the church after worldly things and put up facades, giving a fake outward appearance, but being inwardly corrupt (Jer 17:9). The traditional church and the charismatic church are no different from each other because they are drawing from the same systems, only manifesting them differently (Mark 7:13).
          If you catch people by events you need to hold them with events. God wants to captivate the hearts of people and He will hold them in His hands. We need to move away from church ‘events’ and move towards what God is doing in the Now Season and His prophetic timing (Jer 29:12-14).

          Gods people are living stones that He is fitting together into a spiritual house. Some are fitted here and others there according to Gods intention and knowing as predestined by Him. We cannot allow wickedness, guile, hypocrisies and other things to drive us apart, for such things are currently happening within, but we need to allow Christ to build His church and to become the holy priesthood He desires (1 Peter 2:1-5).

          The Lord is seeking for those who will become useable arrows in His hands, that He can shoot and they will hit their target every time (Psa 127:4&5). The Holy Spirit is hovering over Gods people and selecting one here and another there and preparing them and bringing them together for the task. He is looking for those who are seeking the truth because He is the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17).

          The Spirit of Truth is coming back to the church of God and He will establish all truth and expose every lie (John 16:13). Those that arise will move in the strength of the Holy Spirit with wisdom and grace. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Rev 2:7).

          Ps Günther Schenk

          I have released this word as I have it weighing heavy on my heart and trust that the Lord will encourage, align and establish His heart in the body of Christ. Too often prophetic words can be misunderstood or misinterpreted. I pray that this will not be so here. Be strengthened and encouraged in Christ.

          New word released on this audio as given on 23 Feb 2020.

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          Dr Jonathan David

          The double decade of the open heavens, prophetic precision, strategic position and Spirit demonstration will see the end of sin age. To see more, click the appropriate button below.

          Key Directives

          Dear Prophetic Partners in Destiny, 

          The double decade of the open heavens, prophetic precision, strategic position and Spirit demonstration will see the end of sin age;

          1. It is the beginning of the Age of Righteousness and the beginning of the end of the Sin Age.
          2. The Church will be able to discern and identify and work with the Spirit of Truth, exposing the Spirit of Error.
          3. There will be an increase of Kingdom governance not only in churches but also in nations. This will bring the end of lawlessness of oppression and terror.
          4. The Church will move from good to great to glory of God in the highest. The mixture of the church of the Dark Ages will be exposed, rejected and nullified.
          5. We will learn to spend from the pocket of Jehovah and will not be totally depending on the world system. There will be a new order that will be established in the priesthood of Melchizedek.
          6. The approval of the dimensions of Samuel’s type of anointing and the rejection of the priesthood of Eli the Levi.
          7. The true prophetic flow and the access to the prophetic and proceeding word will put an end to counterfeit and false prophecies. False prophets and prophecies will be dismantled. The spirit of Balaam will not be found in the camp of God’s people.
          8. The Church built on the Pillars of Zion will end the territorial dominion of satanic forces. The Governing Church will patrol and police the heavens and shut the gates of hell.
          9. The new order of worship will be established when the church moves into Zion under the Order of Melchizedek while the false church will serve Jezebel and Babylon. There will be an invasion of the Spirit of Truth bringing light and life and the beginning of a fresh atmosphere.
          10. The inevitable manifestation of the true sons of God reveals maturity and explicit obedience. They will live by the law of the Spirit of Life.
          11. The Apostolic Church will emerge with a position of stature for dominance and governance for all the domains of the kingdoms of this world. We will be trained to exercise dominion in every domain.
          12. The full expression of the Order of Melchizedek and its eternal priesthood will bring the clear expression of Zion.
          13. The Church will move from reformation leading to restoration that will empower it to lead city transformation.
          14. The invasion of faith for the miraculous, signs and wonders will be a daily phenomena.
          15. Living the overcoming life by breaking the law of sin and death will result in living the indestructible life. The coming generation will overcome death and immortality will be reachable.
          16. True apostles will receive grace and apostleship for nation building. This strategic man will be sent to strategic places so that they create significant moves of the Spirit.
          17. The full manifestation of the Kingdom of God will express Zion under the Order of Melchizedek. Nations will be in revival and the increase of His governance there will be no end.

          Please spread this message to as many as possible letting them know about this.

          God's Servant,
          Dr. Jonathan David

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          Economic Cycle

          Dr Jonathan David


          By Dr. Jonathan David

          The hand of God’s favour has been shown to us. This revelation that the impregnable financial cycles have become more vulnerable to the attacks on the world systems. God has given us a spiritual revelation of the economic template, future, financial standing and the different economic conditions that will be prevalent in the future. The deception, the decline, the decay will follow the current world’s financial systems. An Economic Storm will be raging strong across the nations.

          God has shown me that there will be a supernatural wisdom in how to Master wealth creation (Make wealth, Maintain wealth, Manage wealth, Maximise wealth, Multiply wealth, Minister wealth).

          This prophetic time schedule is for our full harvest. The key to spiritual harvest is spiritual timing. This grace has been released in the power to make wealth. The governing grace makes it possible. We believe this timetable is God’s best for ISAAC and those still in the Alliance. Those who read the movements of the spirit shall run. Others who are tuned to this frequency may enjoy god’s power for wealth creation according to the faith. This revelation is not exclusive to those in ISAAC. God is merciful to all who humble themselves before God.

          The economic cycle will be in the time where we are stepping into a Double Decade of Open Heavens (2019-20139).


          • The 7 years of CASH and CREDIT FLOW (THE FAT COW) started in the month of November 2012 and stretches to November 2019 (+- 2 years)
          • The 5 years of CONSERVE and CASH CONTROL (LEAN COW) starts 2020 and stretches to 2024
          • The 4 years of CRUNCH / CRISIS (BLEEDING COW) starts 2025 till 2029
          • The 3 ½ years of CHAOS (DYING COW) starts 2030 till 2033 and ½ years.
          • The 3 ½ years of CRASH (DEAD COW) starts 2033 ½ till 2037
          • The years of Crash / Currency (FARMERS WITHOUT COW)
          • The years of Economic Collapse (FARMERS WITHOUT FARM)
          Taking Back the Financial Domain
          The Financial domain is a powerful and influential domain. Those who rise to rule in this domain will have already found the favour of God upon their lives. They are free from the systems of Babylon and the world system. Satan has already shown them the glories of the kingdoms of this world but these people have chosen instead to worship God and serve Him only. They have defeated the god of this world and the philosophies of humanism and the kingdom of self. These men have chosen to serve God instead of mammon. God wants us to exercise dominion in every domain. This Financial domain is bound to the predetermined foreknowledge of God that money, economics, trade and business will fail. His word is FINAL AND ABSOLUTE.

          The Restraining Order On Economies
          The prophetic and the proceeding word has been sent forth to put a restraining order over the economies of the world. The spoken word is rebuilding the pathway of the Spirit for the Church to enter into the Time Schedule of heaven. We are shutting down the gates of our enemies. The Word is creating movements in the Spirit. The devil is moving out, we are moving forward and God is moving in. The spoken word places an expiry date on the works of the enemy. Divine intervention is taking place in the nations and God is now calling and declaring to men everywhere that they should repent and return to their corporate destiny in God.

          The world Economic Cycle must be interpreted by the spirit of truth. We need to perceived accurately what we need to do to realise and desire Wealth Creation. The Spirit of Revelation has revealed the actual Economic Cycle and conditions in the World Today. The Spirit of understanding will make sure of ALL that is happening in the Economic of the nations. When the revelation is CLEAR and the spirit of understanding is CERTAIN we can proceed to find wisdom to CARRY OUT or EXECUTE in the way of righteousness we have chosen.
          The margin of ERROR for its prophetic accuracy is a PLUS or MINUS 2 to 3 years.

          The World Economic Cycle is part of a larger schemes of the devil to hold on to his rule on the earth. Thus the avalanche of deception is tied into the enemy’s strategy to plague men with the fear of lack.

          The World Economic Cycle is spirit driven. There is an all-out attack on the saints to deceive them to become dependent on the world economic system for all their needs. The aim of flesh will eventually fail them. We need the revelation of how we can become part of the Order of Melchizedek and spend from the pocket of Jehovah.

          The World Economic Cycle works on the principle of scarcity and the rule of demand and supply. When the market forces reply to demonic frequency a financial crisis can begin. We must be on the alert for in the final days of time we will have to pass through a volatile market. We must develop the gift of the discerning of spirit. The spirit of greed, covetousness and the spirit of poverty must be identified and bound in our lifestyle. The desire for other things outside the will of God and violating the righteousness of the Kingdom must be cast down. These strongholds will entice God’s people.
          1 John 2:15

          The World Economic Cyclone will become a clear indication that the Kingdom of this world are equally vulnerable to all that is happening. All governments are functional and stable on the breaking of strong economic policies and market forces to drive it. When money fails, the world system will also fail s they are dependent on each other.
          The church must step into the new order of Melchizedek so that they can be blessed and become part of a heavenly order of wealth distribution. They will become connected to the God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth. We can have access to unlimited resources when we are part of this kingdom order. Abraham unlocked the true riches when God promises him that He would be his Great Reward. (Gen 15:1)

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          Books by Pastor Gunther Schenk

          Purchase your copy of these books on amazon.com, or in our local Bookstore.

          New on Amazon

          First edition Sep 2023.
          'The Covenant that is Christ' will be available in our local bookstore later in 2024! Please watch this space for more info.

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          Mondays: 14h00 - 16h30
          Tuesday to Friday: 09h00 - 16h30
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